The Healing Power Of Kindness

by almeda

Through defining moments, pain anxiety, the harsh suffering of humanity, has the potential to shape harmful mentalities.

Bitterness poisons the inner fabric of our entire being. unacknowledged pain, repressed anger, causes bouts of depression.

Kindness is a personal touch, that can reach to the depths of the soul, speaking to the innermost part of the spirit, the devine spark, that is connected to God. speaking life unto the soul, acknowledging the pain, the sense of loss. painful rejections, nonjudgmental of the soul’s vulnerabilities, warmth, consideration, can revive brokenness, in relationships. Love shows acceptance of flaws and imperfections. humanity was designed to desire interpersonal connections, those interactions nurtures, teaches, and instructs our souls. we were not meant to live in seclusion and isolation, our soul needs communion with our heavenly father, to survive in this cold calculating world.

We crave  socialization with other human beings. to be challenged, to grow, kindness uplifts you when life knocks you down. the healing power of kindness, not only affects, the person your administering to, it affects you as well.

There are 5 beneficial side effects of kindness.

Kindness makes us happy

When we genuinely display kindness, we gain a greater appreciation, for all the things that are in our life, the people, the things, the relationships that develop in intimacy, we are grounded, we are humbled by life.

 Kindness gives us healthier hearts

We are less likely to be prune to high blood pressure, heart attack, and other debilitating cardio vascular diseases, associated with excessive anger.

Kindness slows aging

Aging on a biochemical level is a combination of many things, but two culprits that speed the process are free radicals and inflammation, both which result from making unhealthy lifestyle choices.

 Kindness makes for better relationships

Mutual love and respect, makes it easier to be open and honest, about problems, emotions, fears, and insecurities. we enjoy greater intimacy and closeness in our relationships. we are able to let down our guard, and truly be our authentic self

Kindness is contagious

when were kind, we inspire others to be kind,and it actually creates a ripple effect that actually creates a ripple effect that spreads outward to our friends “Friends” friends  friend-to three degrees of separation, acts of kindness ripple outwards, touching other’s lives and inspiring kindness everywhere the waves goes.

 How Kind Are You?

Ask below questions to check how kind you are.

Would you share your food?

would you feed the homeless?

would you sacrifice your sleep?

would you donate your gently used clothes and other household items?

would you be a pet owner?

would you help some one that is lost?

would you change a flat tire?

would you babysit?

would you get into a fight?

would you be brutally honest?

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