8 Weight Loss Remedies That Are Safe And Expeditious

by Aishwarya Sharma

Obesity is a disease found commonly in people today it is basically because of the poor lifestyle of choice, food habit, lack of physical activities. lack of sleep, over drinking not only it cause excess weight but also leads to the various health problem such as heart disease, diabetes, etc .. it is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle for a better functioning of the body.
Here are 8 weight loss remedies you can easily inculcate in the day to day life.

1. Aloe vera

It is very useful in treating obesity because it stimulates metabolism, increase energy consumption
-take two fresh aloe vera leaves peel them and scoop out the pulp
-blend it properly and drink it along with water daily for at least a month

2. Get rid of junk

Most of us find it difficult to let go of our favorite food, chips, and cooks might be fattening and unhealthy, but we still end up having them . which is why not buying junk food is the step towards weight loss.

3. Curry leaves

Eating 10 fresh curry leaves daily in the morning works as a great ayurvedic remedy to deal with obesity and diabetes cause by obesity, it is important to continue this treatment for at least 3-4 month for the better result.

4. Yoga for weight loss

Begin your exercise journey with this yoga for weight loss poses which will burn fat, build muscle tone, give you more flexibility
-extended side angle pose
-four limed staff pose
-boat pose
-seated forward bend
Upward plank pose

5. Green tea

Green tea is another popular remedy to promote weight loss an Egcg compound found in green tea, helps slow down weight gain by limiting fat absorption and increase the body’s ability to use fat.

6. Drinking plenty of water

Studies show that drinking cold water use the extra calories to warm the water up to body temperature, or drinking warm water in morning on an empty stomach, for best result try 3-4 months.

7. Breakfast is important

When you burn more calories than you consume you lose weight. when you eat breakfast you activate the thermogenesis process and thus stimulate your metabolism. plus studies has shown that eating a meal in the morning boosts your metabolism instead of eating the meal in the evening.

8. Eat slowly and eat smaller meals more frequently

Chewing properly and taking the gap between each bite eating small meals throughout the day is how you win the battle of the bulge, frequent snacking as ling as it is healthy keeps your metabolism humming, staves of hunger and control blood sugar.

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Akshita garg April 30, 2017 - 4:14 pm

Very Informative

Sonali April 30, 2017 - 5:12 pm

Really helpful..Nice article..


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